Student uses pipette to place liquid in test tube

Kansas IDEA Network of Biomedical Research Excellence (K-INBRE)

K-INBRE supports faculty and student biomedical research on the Lawrence campus.

The K-INBRE is an initiative funded by the National Institutes of Health to invigorate biomedical research in Kansas. The K-INBRE provides scholarships to undergraduate researchers to work in KU research labs. The goal of the program is to help prepare students for a career in the biomedical sciences.

Previous K-INBRE scholars have gone on to pursue training to be research scientists, physicians, engineers, psychologists, teachers, and many other professions.

Students interested in applying will need to be working in (or accepted to work in) a research lab with a scientific mentor. Students without mentors may read our FAQ page about finding an appropriate mentor. We also encourage you to look at our current scholars page to see the kinds of projects are students are doing.

Any questions should be directed to the campus coordinator, Dr. Brian D. Ackley at

Participants at the 2023 K-INBRE Symposium

Be a Part of K-INBRE

Faculty, postdoctoral researchers, graduate students and undergraduates conducting biomedical research are welcome to be a part of the K-INBRE Community.

K-INBRE Parent Program

K-INBRE Scholars

Current Scholars

Learn about current K-INBRE scholar projects

Former Scholars

See a list of past K-INBRE scholar projects


Each summer, undergraduate students from around the world join current University of Kansas students in conducting research with KU faculty. Ninety-five students presented their research Friday, July 26, 2019 at the KU Summer Undergraduate Research Poster Session.